A few FAQs about WhenIsEaster™:
Q: How do YOU know when Easter falls in a given year?
A: There is a formula which calculates it based on the start of Spring and the first full moon.
Q: Why don’t you calculate Greek Orthodox Easter?
A: You might want to download "When Does" - it does calculate Greek Orthodox Easter.
Q: Why don’t you calculate my favorite holiday?
A: This app is called “WhenIsEaster” not “WhenIs
Q: Where did localization go in version 2.X?
A: I did some localization in version 1, as you may have seen, but I took it out in version 2 because I never got any positive feedback that people were using it. If I am wrong, please send me an email with your preferred language, and I'll look into re-localizing.
Q: There is now a "splash" ad instead of ads at the bottom of the app. What gives?
A: I added in ads to try to recoup some of the cost of building and maintaining my apps. No one was clicking on the ads at the bottom, so I thought I would try a single ad at app launch/re-entry.